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  There's a lot of uncertainty around, and a lot of people are feeling anxiety and uncomfortable with not knowing exactly what's real and what's not.  Social distancing is a reality for right now. We're spending less time socially and cocooning more in our homes, alone or with our housemates...


Ever tried to rub ice all over you body  ?  Whilst I sit  here in 6 layers of clothing (I know dramatic for a qlder) I couldn't  think of anything worse. However, the benefits of a cold ice rub on your face before you go to sleep at night are...

Getting down and dirty with sex and your skin 💦

Let's talk about sex bay bay  Trust me, I will try almost anything to make sure I am staying on top ( no pun intended) of my skin. My daily rituals to get my skin back in check after eating way too much chocolate or my monthly hormonal breakouts are...

Does your man give a shit about his skin?

Over the years, I have dated guys with all sorts of skin care rituals, including rituals that consist of using a dove soap bar to do a full wash down cleanse of his entire body🙀. Whilst me standing there watching in horror, applying my many skin promising products thinking about why I...

6 Things I wish I knew when I was younger

Ever have those moments, I wished I took care of my hair when I was younger? Yeh well that is me right now. Number 1.  Brows are everything on your face. Why on earth did this trend only come in the last 10 years, I feel like we should have...

Slip Slop Slap 💯

Summer season has officially ended but we here in Aus always keep it dragging on into the months ahead. Still hitting up the beach and getting that Vitamin D !  There is nothing like our beaches and spending the weekend out enjoying the sun and ocean. But when was the...

Look after your poonani 😜

Well, we all know now how important skincare is but there is one part of our bodies that go somewhat unspoken about. Our Fruit, Fanny, Peach, Poosy, Pussy, Poonani, Vagina - whatever you like to call it. We do forget about her, she does so much for us, our partners and...

Beauty Facts that may leave you shook !

These blew my mind as much as it blows my mind how teens these days aren't going through that awkward Myspace profile pic stage where we had zero eye brows and the famous 'smokey eye' was the only eye look to do lol.   1. The Egyptians were the first...

Change yo' bed sheets ! #GROSS

Have you ever thought - we spend about a third of each day in our beds, that's a hell of a lot of time!  You should be changing your bed sheets on the reg (once weekly). If you aren't you should probably start! Pillow cases on the other hand accumulate a...

The Compost Bin

Hey Honeys ! As well as being skin conscious we want to share ways to start being more environmentally conscious. Making your own kitchen based compost bin is perfect for not only the disposal of your Pod but of course any fruit/ veggie scraps and any other natural biodegradable products...